Hei taas...pitkästä aikaa!
Olen taas kerran ollut super laiska tämän blogin pitämisen kanssa. Ei ollut tarkoitus ottaa tavaksi postailla aina noin parin vuoden välein. xD No, nyt yritän taas herätellä tätä blogia eloon ja ehkä onnistun postailemaan säännöllisemmin.
Muistaessani taas blogini olemassaolon, päätin tulla vähän muokkailemaan ulkoasua. Edellinen vihreä teema olikin ollut täällä jo tarpeeksi kauan. Pidän kovasti sinisestä väristä, joten nykyinen ulkoasu on mieluinen. Lisäksi tein itse uuden bannerin, joka sekin onnistui mielestäni ihan tyydyttävästi. :)
En ole oikeastaan pitkiin aikoihin kunnolla kuvaillut järkkärilläni. Se on monesti vain lojunut kaapin perällä. Kuvaamista en ole lopettanut vaan kuvat on kuvattu enemmänkin Instagramiin puhelimella (iPhone 6s). Jos haluat seurata minua siellä, tilini on: ''sanskaaaaah''. Kuitenkin nyt syyskuun lopussa kuvailin vähän syysmaisemia kotipihassa. Niitä kuvia on tuossa yläpuolella. Olisi kiva yrittää kuvata enemmän järkkärilläkin, jos vain hyviä säitä on, eikä aina postata kaikkea pelkästään Instagramiin.
Voisin kertoa vähän siitä miten minulla on mennyt viime aikoina. Olen viettänyt noin puolitoista vuotta välivuotta, sillä en ole päässyt haluamaani opiskelupaikkaan. Aika on kulunut todella nopeasti ja pian on taas joulu ja talvi ylipäätään. Toivottavasti tulee lunta ja pakkasta niin pääsisin kuvailemaan kaunista talvisäätä! :)
Eipä tässä sitten muuta. Kiitos kun luit ja nähdään toivottavasti pian uudestaan!
~ Sanni
Hello again...long time no see!
Once again I've been super lazy with writing to this blog. I didn't mean to write only in every two years. xD Well, now I'm trying to make this blog alive again and maybe I'll be more successful with posting more regularly.
When I remembered that this blog existed, I decided to change the layout a little bit. The previous green theme had been here for long enough. I like the blue color a lot so I really like this new layout. Moreover, I made the new banner by myself and I'm quite satisfied with it. :)
I haven't really been photographing a lot with my systems camera lately. Usually it has just been laying in my cabinet. I haven't quit photographing completely but I've been often taking photos with my phone (iPhone 6s) and posting them on Instagram. If you want to follow me there, my account is: ''sanskaaaaah''. However, I did some photographing with my camera in the end of September and you can see some of those photos above. I'd like to try to photograph more with my camera as well, if the weather is good, instead of just posting everything on Instagram.
I could tell something about how I've been lately. I've had a year off for about a year and a half now because I haven't got in to the place where I would like to study. Time has passed so quickly as always and soon it will be Christmas and winter again! Hopefully there will be snow and cold weather so I could go to photograph some pretty winter weather! :)
I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
~ Sanni
~ Sanni
Hello again...long time no see!
Once again I've been super lazy with writing to this blog. I didn't mean to write only in every two years. xD Well, now I'm trying to make this blog alive again and maybe I'll be more successful with posting more regularly.
When I remembered that this blog existed, I decided to change the layout a little bit. The previous green theme had been here for long enough. I like the blue color a lot so I really like this new layout. Moreover, I made the new banner by myself and I'm quite satisfied with it. :)
I haven't really been photographing a lot with my systems camera lately. Usually it has just been laying in my cabinet. I haven't quit photographing completely but I've been often taking photos with my phone (iPhone 6s) and posting them on Instagram. If you want to follow me there, my account is: ''sanskaaaaah''. However, I did some photographing with my camera in the end of September and you can see some of those photos above. I'd like to try to photograph more with my camera as well, if the weather is good, instead of just posting everything on Instagram.
I could tell something about how I've been lately. I've had a year off for about a year and a half now because I haven't got in to the place where I would like to study. Time has passed so quickly as always and soon it will be Christmas and winter again! Hopefully there will be snow and cold weather so I could go to photograph some pretty winter weather! :)
I think that's all for now. Thank you for reading and see you again soon!
~ Sanni
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